Vision Training Works!
I've been frustrated for a long time with a major dilemma. How do I get you to appreciate how much goes into the research I do to write my newsletter? And, how much effort and experience I have in training athletes to improve their sports vision, thus improving their game?
I've tried all sorts of ways, like articles, videos and products, to make you more aware of the efficacy of vision training. I believe that it's incredibly important that you at least try something to improve your athletes vision. There are endless studies stating that excellent athletes have excellent visual skills. There are other studies stating that Visual skills can be trained.
So the logic behind what I am doing:
Train your visual skills to be like an excellent athlete!
Vision Training Studies
More vision training studies:
Dynamic vision training transfers positively to batting performance among collegiate baseball batters

A growing body of evidence demonstrates visual, perceptual, and oculomotor abilities contribute to batting performance in baseball and there is interest in whether training such abilities can transfer positively to batting performance. Read the whole Duke-Indiana Baseball Study.

NeuroTracker Science Series - Enhancing Cognitive Function

NeuroTracker Science Series - Transferability to Soccer Performance