Peace and blessings.
Often we hold onto things in our past which hold us back and stop us from moving forward, they act like anchors in our life and we can not progress. We spend a lot of time and wasted energy trying to pull up these anchors which are buried deep within us so we can move on. This wasted energy causes us frustration, anxiety and at times pain- Does this resonate with you?
There are occasions when we should just learn to cut away these anchors rather than continuously trying to pull them along with us, cutting away this rope of attachment that lives in the past; and simply just let it be.
Other times we think too far into the future to determine where we might be or want to be. Here we can tend to lose sight of the bigger picture which can lead to rushing, becoming unmindful and making mistakes.
We should learn to ground ourselves more and live in the now, live in the present moment. Learn to appreciate just where we are, what our surroundings are and have gratitude for the place you are in right now.
The POWER is within you to make this small mindset change and empower yourself. Always remember the smallest changes can have the greatest impact; the first step to the journey of 1000 miles starts with you.
Always see the blessings in everything- stay focused and keep moving forward
You've got this.